Sunday, August 24, 2008

Exterior Shots end of June 2008

Days of Summer

More than a few of you have mentioned that I have not added anything new for a long time.

Remember the name of this blog: "keeping up with"; well sometimes I fall behind a bit.

This summer has been full of magical days. This summer has also flown right by.

The announcement that Kelly and Chris are having their first child took me by such suprise and excitement I don't remember doing much more than just smiling for days.

You must read about the way the grandparents found out,on their blog. A classic example of how creative those two are. Well that was back in June over Fathers' Day.

Next came Westin's 3 rd birthday; that included a real birthday party with lots of kids, then a family swim and bar-b-que day and his first bee sting!